PowderPUFF Game

The week of homecoming was eventful for West Geauga High School students as the Student Council planned a spirit assembly and themed dress-up each day. The week concluded with a parade, homecoming football game and the Saturday night dance. A few notable highlights of the week were the annual PowderPUFF flag football game where the junior girls beat the seniors. Held as a daytime event for the first time, it allowed the whole student body and staff to be in attendance to cheer on the girls, and welcomed families as well. It was an enjoyable twist to the tradition for all who attended. The first annual PowderBUFF game was held as the junior boys took on the seniors in a game of volleyball. It was the senior class with the victory! Finally, thank you to everyone who participated in the Homecoming parade and lined the streets to support our students. This is Wolverine Country!       

PowderBUFF GamePowderBUFF GamePowderPUFF GamePowderPUFF Game