Health Services
Administration of Medication
Parents frequently request that school personnel administer medication to children while they are in school. Realizing this is not always possible; the West Geauga Board of Education has adopted a policy to govern the dispensing of medication when the child is attending school. The policy is as follows:
1. The parent/guardian should bring the medication to the school and give it to either the secretary or the school nurse. The student should not transport the medication nor self-administer it.
2. Prior to dispensing the first dose of medication to each child, the following conditions must be met:
a. All medications require a physician’s order, this includes over-the-counter medications.
b. A written and signed physician’s request form must be received by the school identifying the student, the medication and dosage or procedure required, the time required, possible reactions which should be reported to the physician, special instructions including storage and sterile requirements, date which medication or procedure is to be discontinued, date of request form, physician’s name, address and phone number.
c. A written permission form signed by the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) authorizing the school personnel to administer the medication or procedure as instructed by the physician. Parents and/or guardians must agree to deliver the medication, directions for dosage, the mode of administration and the time and duration the medication is to be given.
d. The only medications in which a student can carry, with a prescription order only, are the Epipen and the Glucagons injections.
3. Every student’s medication shall be in a proper container and have affixed a prescription label. The label shall state the student’s name, physician’s name, name of medications, directions for dosage, the mode of administration and the time and duration the medication is to be given.
4. All medications are to be picked up at the end of the school year or they will be discarded.
5. Medication administration rules apply for all field trips. Please contact the school nurse.
Dana Clark
District Registered Nurse
West Geauga High School
Main: (440) 729 - 5950
Clinic: (440) 729 - 5952
Fax: (440) 729 - 5959
West Geauga Middle School
Main: (440) 729 - 5940
Clinic: (440) 729 - 5942
Fax: (440) 729 - 5909
Dawn Mansfield - LPN
Robert C. Lindsey Elementary School
Main: (440) 729 - 5980
Clinic: (440) 729 - 5922 X4243
Fax: (440) 729 - 5989
Lisa Berardinelli- Medical Assistant
Westwood Elementary School
Main: (440) 729 - 5990
Clinic:: (440) 729 - 5922 X4341
Fax: (440) 729 -5924
Lisa Berardinelli- Medical Assistant