Curriculum and Instruction
The West Geauga Schools offer an excellent educational program to all children who enter the district. Our mission is to facilitate the development of each student in order that he or she may reach academic and ethical excellence. To accomplish this, we utilize and continually develop our curriculum to encourage students to think independently and critically.
Approximately 2,100 students attend two elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school. Both the high school and middle schools are fully accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Approximately 90 percent of our high school graduates elect to continue their education; most pursue four-year degrees. Westwood Elementary School houses grades K - 2 and Lindsey Elementary School houses grades 3-5.
The West Geauga School District offers an instructional program developed to meet the needs of all the district's students. In order to keep current, each course of study, K-12, is subject to regular review and revision under the leadership of the district’s curriculum coordinator.
Students receive a full complement of classes including English, mathematics, science, social studies, reading, language arts, music, physical education, and art in grades K-12; and living skills, vocational programs, and computer and keyboarding classes in grades 4-12. The curriculum encourages students to think independently and critically.
Opportunities for students with special needs include in-house programs for the gifted and talented, the multi-disabled, the developmentally disabled, the specific learning disabled, and the severe behavioral disabled.
The entire program, K-12, is rated highly by parents, community, and surrounding districts for its rigor in English, science, and mathematics. Evidence of the success of the West Geauga program can be seen in the awards and plaudits our students and faculty receive.