Welcome to a new school year at West Geauga High School! The past year was challenging for many students; we first want to let our families know that if you ever need any assistance or additional support, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help provide you with a positive school experience that is inclusive and allows students’ encouragement in pursuing their educational and career choices. By becoming actively involved within your time here at West Geauga, you can help to make this school year one of the most exciting, challenging, creative, inspiring, and stimulating times of your life. You only get one chance at high school; make the most out of it.
We have numerous reasons to be proud of our students and our school's accomplishments. With our students achieving stellar scores on both the ACT and SAT, Advanced Placement Exams, Excel Tecc Awards, and the State Proficiency Test, it is clear that our Wolverines know how to perform under pressure. The staff and administration are dedicated to helping you achieve and reach your expectations and foster an educational community that provides physical, psychological, and emotional safety for all of our students.
I would also like to remind the student body of its responsibility to create an atmosphere of behavior, and to instill pride in belonging to West Geauga High School and the community. Finally, we wish you a very successful school year; do not hesitate to share any concerns with us or with me directly.
Ryan W. Patti
West Geauga High School
Twitter - @WolverinePrin