Spring Sports

The 2024-25 winter sports season is coming to a close at West Geauga Middle School. Sports that will be offered in the spring are track & field, club baseball and club softball. Those that choose to do track & field cannot also play club baseball or softball. 

Track and Field will begin the second week of March. There are no tryouts - all that are interested can join. There will be around 6 meets including the league championships. Practices are after school until about 4:30 every school day.

Club Softball will have tryouts on February 24 and 26 from 3:00 to 5:00 in the middle school gym. There is a fee that parents have to pay for players to be on the team. This covers uniforms, supplies, umpires and field usage. Club teams are responsible for their own transportation to games. Most home games will be at Parkside.

Club Baseball will have tryouts on February 24 and 26 from 5:15 to 7:15 in the middle school gym.  There is a fee that parents have to pay for players to be on the team. This covers uniforms, supplies, and umpires. Club teams are responsible for their own transportation to games. At this point, all games are scheduled to be away games - most are within a 30 mile radius. Plans are to have a 7th grade team and an 8th grade team. This could change depending on what coaches see at tryouts. We are still looking for more volunteer coaches to be certified and approved by the West Geauga Board of Education.

Students that are interested must be registered in Final Forms and signed up for the sport that they are interested in. They must have a valid Ohio sports physical on file in the middle school office or uploaded to Final Forms.

Please contact frank.vosicky@westg.org if you have any questions about any spring sports.