Twelve members of the Middle School wrestling team traveled to Perry to take part in the CVC Middle School Tournament, which historically marks the end of their middle school wrestling season.
"We just showed up and did what we came here to do," Danny Sizler said. Coaches Daren Horvath, Larry Welker, and Dan Sizler II were very proud of the way all of their wrestlers battled at the tournament. Not only did they wrestle with a winning one-match-at-a-time mindset, but they were exemplary teammates encouraging each other mat-side, win or lose. "The wrestlers have really come together as a team this season." Coach Horvath said, “I only wish we had more time with this group of kids.”
Placing first in their weight classes at the tournament were Danny Sizler at 122lbs, and Blake Welker at 172lbs. Austin Wheatley finished second at 150lbs, Nick Kreischer took fifth at 110lbs, Dan Federico took fifth at 128lbs, and Cole Welker was sixth at 134lbs.