7th Grade Science
Assignments & Announcements
You will find all assignments and assessment dates on the 7th grade WGMS Homework Log. this is located on the left side of the home WGMS webpage.
For more details about an assignment or a copy of a worksheet, etc - please look on our Google Classroom page under the Classwork tab. All assignments are numbered and have been organized by week/topic.
Quarterly Extra Credit
This is posted on Google Classroom. Look under Classwork and Topics (on the left side).
Feel free to email me if there are any questions.
General Information
Science Grades are weighted.
75% is based on quiz and tests
25% = homework/classwork/labs
Please go to our Google Classroom under the Classwork tab. Look for Mrs. Samsa's Class Info interactive Google Slide presentation under Resources & Links. There is a lot of helpful information about our textbook, homework, assessments, grades, technology used, class rules and virtual/remote "class" rules, supplies you should have/use and other helpful information for parents.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns!